Since its debut episode, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has been at the forefront of dark television comedy. It has gripped viewers with its subversion of the sitcom format and outright mockery of the genre's tired tropes. In terms of duration, It's Always Sunny is the longest-running live-action comedy in TV history - and the series is due to commence its fifteenth season in 2021!
And to be clear, there are far too many great episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia to include on this list. What adobe program edits videos. It could be twice, or maybe three times, as long and we're almost certainly. Ranking the earliest episodes of Always Sunny is tricky, because it was such a different show at the time. Dee is the voice of reason. Frank doesn't exist. And Mac, Charlie and Dennis are just. The 25 Best 'It's Always Sunny' Episodes by dimitris1594 created - 12 Aug 2012 updated - 30 Aug 2015 Public The most genuinely funny and original episodes are also appreciated in this list.
The initial Gang was comprised of Charlie Kelly (the lovable idiot), Ronald 'Mac' McDonald (the misguided tough guy) and the narcissistic and deluded siblings Dennis and Dee Reynolds. Many fans consider the show to have come into its own with the inclusion of Frank Reynolds (Danny DeVito) in the second season. Beat music studio. Over the years, the world of It's Always Sunny has been populated with captivating and often grotesque characters such as Artemis Dubois, the McPoyle clan, and Rickety Cricket.
It is difficult to compile a top ten list of the Gang's most disturbing moments, as they sink and slump into darkness week after week. This is evidenced by the omissions from this list, which excludes childhood exposure to Nazism, multiple kidnappings, and a drowned child, because the rest of those episodes gave viewers brief glimpses of light.